Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Experimenting with watercolors

So for a few assignments in suzanne's class, we started to play around with color...water color to be exact! I ordered a nice water color set that i am excitement to make use of when it finally gets shipped from DC that is. In the mean time I have been using a cheap set much like the one's most of us use in elementary school art class. Nevertheless, I had some fun with the past two assignments "personifying scale figures" and "wearable watercolors". The first was a spread depicting three classmates and their accessories. I learned the value of a good brush after this assignment as the balance between water and color got a little wacky as the brush strokes went on. The second sketchbook assignment was to personify scale figures, namely by placing them next to big objects such a building, a car, or a metro...well at least those are the objects I choose. =) I based these drawings off of photographs i found on fotosearch.

One of those "slouchy" boots that you see often these days, a hand adorned with a ring and a bracelet, and a friend's profile while wearing her gold hoop earrings.

The metro is whizzing by, and so is this couple. I tried to illustrate the fast pace of the photo this drawing was based on.

A man working on his laptop by his big red truck.

Newlywed bliss. By a building, and a very blotchy looking sky.


1 comment:

  1. Cass,

    I finally got around to looking at your stuff today. I like what you did with the toothbrush holder of course, since it involves wood. I am looking forward to seeing the better picture when you get it polyurethaned. Particularly good is your work plan, I like how you let things evolve and practice first and don't try things that you are fairly certain are beyond your capabilities. You could do the inscribing of the word 'clean' if you had a Dremel tool, by the way. With a little practice you could do it since you obviously have good dexterity. Ask the shop if they have one. I suspect they do. I'll get you enrolled in a wood turning class when you are home this summer. That kind of woodworking would probably match up with your interests well. It tends to bring out the art side of woodworking more than cabinet making.

    Despite the paint problem, I'll be interested to hear what your profs say about your water colors, a couple of which I find interesting. I like how you captured the movement of the metro rider. For my money that is the better one here. The guy with the computer on the wheel well of his red truck is a good idea, but not so well executed. You might want to take a second shot at that one. I like the wedding couple, too, or at least all the elements you have included. The sky is perfect, the rest could probably be done a tick or two better.

    Love Dad
