Thursday, October 29, 2009



Eye level view from straight on.

A display of my intent to create a repetitive pattern.



Collage of some preliminary concept inspirations.

the project above was another involving the limited use of 12 bamboo skewers and 12 4x6 bristol board cards on a 12x12 base. This is not to say in any regards that the ideas that came from these restrictions were limited at all however, the class brought in a diverse assortment of distinctly different projects that went along with our assignment to create a dialog of two spaces. My ideas for the project shifted entirely when I began playing around with the materials, an above image shows the tower like form which was my first "go" at the idea, also some sketchbooks brain-wandering including a rough doodle of the design I based my final project on.

The two projects that caught my attention this morning brought a bought a strong sense of unity in my eyes. Although at first glance, Jessica and Kara's projects are extremely dissimilar. Made up entirely of linear lines, Jessica fashioned her 12 bamboo skewers and bristol board cards atop a 12x12 plexi-glass square base. She explored the idea of opposites in collaboration with one another by creating a reflection of the half hexagonal form  adorned with a six skewer beam on the under side of the plexi-glass. Kara's project also explored opposites but in a totally different light...her project was composed of rounded forms opposed to the very linear look of Jessica's project. It consisted of a bristol board half-dome and 12 skewers that were curved opposite to the dome, creating a cage-like pattern atop her circular base made up of a thick foam core. While Jessica's project creates a direct refection through her plexi-glass base, Kara's project derived a sense of reflection as well through her opposing curves. Both projects create a distinct form using this idea resulting in very interesting compositions of negative space.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Bear with me...I'm learning perspective, there will be many more advanced perspective drawings to come.

So many lines...for this drawing I put my junk drawer items in this shadow box perspective. the concentration of lines makes the boxes look slinky-esque in my eyes. 

Yes, I crammed all of that in a drawer. Everything from a magic 8 ball to an old lunch bag!
I used a structured scribble to fill in come of the shadow, it kind of adds to the messiness although cross hatching looks much cleaner. Theres always next time.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Above lies a series of Drawings of varied combinations and close-ups of a stick I found, and my cell phone. Below is a model based off on of the final four drawings (out of the 220), a pine-cone camera symbol. 

My model I choose to do orthographic drawings of...a mix of a pine cone on the end of a stick I found and the symbol on the camera button of my cell phone.





I envisioned my pine cone-camera as a crown..atop an old mans head.  i think he is an pacific island king of sorts...or at least thats what he came out to be haha.

Other Models...close ups and combinations

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Interior Vignette's (the beginnings)

Some senior citizens on the train, strangely enough they really were both sitting, hands on knees like the drawing depicts. Also, my foot propped up against the armrest taking up two seats =p

Train ride home from home. people and seats mainly...The amtrak, in some of its glory. I included myself in this one, or at least part.

Another starbucks, this one in flower hill. I showed the girls my drawing and felt a tad less creepy. I believe it shows some depth of space but also lots of room for improvement...

Difficulty portraying true perspective, tisk tisk. Above drawing number 2 depicts my mother holding her glasses in the living room of my home away from UNCG.

Drawing number discussion in starbucks at the rio.

Creating unity through negative space

A side view demonstrating the aspect of a transparent space. I enjoy the fact I can peer from one end of my project to the other. 

Front View, waving in and out,  creating negative space. The base is foam core 12x12. It was styrofoam but that looked much more, messy.

The plan view of the final project. Using 12 bamboo skewers and 12 4x6 bristol board cards on a 12x12 base to be exact. My goal was to create a unified structure through negative space, and although the plan view does not display this characteristic of my project like any front or side view would, I still enjoy the space this top view makes.

What to do with cards and skewers..?! Above image displays some sketchbook brainstorming.